OncoLinks - The Global Oncology Partnering Forum

London, UK 12-13 December 2023

Welcome to OncoLinks, the premier conference dedicated to connecting dealmakers in the field of oncology. Join us as we bring together professionals from the pharmaceutical, biotech, investor, and advisory sectors, all united by their focus on advancing oncology treatments and innovations.

At OncoLinks, you'll have the opportunity to engage in networking, business development, licensing, and collaborative discussions that drive progress in the fight against cancer. Register now to be part of this dynamic community shaping the future of oncology dealmaking.

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OncoLinks - Where Innovation, Collaboration, and Progress Converge for the Future of Oncology Partnering.

Uncover the Power of Oncology Partnerships
We bring you the pulse of the oncology industry, showcasing the latest trends, emerging innovations, and disruptive technologies that are shaping the future of cancer treatments.
A Platform for Collaboration and Dealmaking
Discover novel drug products and platform technologies that have the potential to revolutionize cancer treatment, improve patient outcomes, and advance oncology research.
The Oncology Showcase
Be part of the Oncology Showcase, where pioneering organizations reveal their latest assets, technologies, and discoveries to a diverse audience of industry leaders, potential collaborators, and investors.
Forge strategic alliances and collaborations that accelerate the development and access to innovative drug treatments for cancer patients.
Meeting Investors
Connect with a community of forward-thinking investors, ready to support groundbreaking oncology projects that have the potential to transform patient care. Connect with professional and corporate investors actively seeking investment opportunities in oncology drug development. Learn how to secure funding for your groundbreaking projects.
Networking - Unite with Oncology Visionaries
Network with like-minded professionals, visionaries, and thought leaders at OncoLinks, igniting meaningful discussions and fostering game-changing collaborations. Engage in meaningful conversations, exchange ideas, and build valuable connections with decision-makers in the oncology drug partnering ecosystem.

Agenda Highlights

OncoLinks - The Premier Oncology Partnering Conference. Discover a cutting-edge agenda that pioneers the forefront of oncology partnering. Unite with industry experts and innovators, driving transformative collaborations for life-changing therapies. Join OncoLinks to shape the future of oncology partnering.

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Setting the Stage for Successful Partnerships in Oncology
Choosing "The Partner of Choice" That Aligns with Company Goals.
Exploring strategies for identifying and selecting partners that align with the primary focus area in oncology.
Assessing the criteria and considerations when evaluating potential partners for successful collaborations.
BD Partnerships pharma training course
Unlocking Value through Strategic Partnerships
Enhancing Pipeline and Fit with Primary Focus Area Strategy.
Examining how partnerships can unlock value by expanding and enhancing the oncology pipeline.
Analysing the strategic alignment between companies and the benefits of partnering to achieve mutual growth.
Due Diligence and Licensing Deals pharma training course
Deal Making in the Current Financial Climate
Impact of the Current Financial Climate on Negotiating Deals in Oncology.
Understanding the implications of the financial climate on negotiating licensing, M&A, and financing deals.
Evaluating the leverage and dynamics between partners during deal negotiations in the oncology space.
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Partnering Between Biotech and Big Pharma
Successful Relationship Dynamics: Flexibility and Role Clarity.
Exploring the essential factors for successful partnerships between biotech and big pharma in oncology.
Discussing the importance of flexibility, role clarity, and effective communication in maintaining productive collaborations.
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Navigating the Oncology Partnering Landscape
Partner Selection Strategies: Finding the Perfect Match for Your Company's Vision.
Exploring innovative approaches to identify and select partners aligned with oncology goals and strategies.
Analysing the importance of compatibility and shared vision in successful oncology collaborations.
Valuation and Negotiation Strategies pharma training course
Maximizing Value through Strategic Partnerships
Leveraging Partnerships to Enhance Oncology Pipeline and Accelerate Innovation.
Uncovering the power of partnerships in augmenting and expanding the oncology pipeline.
Examining case studies of successful collaborations that have led to breakthrough advancements in cancer therapeutics.
Valuation and Negotiation Strategies pharma training course
Financing Deals in the Oncology Sector
Navigating the Financial Landscape: Securing Funding for Oncology Ventures.
Assessing the impact of the financial climate on negotiating licensing, M&A, and financing deals in oncology.
Identifying alternative funding sources and exploring creative financing models tailored to the unique needs of oncology ventures.
Valuation and Negotiation pharma BD&L Conference
Partnering Strategies: Biotech and Big Pharma Perspectives
Forging Successful Alliances: Perspectives from Biotech and Big Pharma.
Understanding the dynamics and challenges of partnering between biotech and big pharma in the oncology space.
Highlighting best practices and strategies for fostering mutually beneficial collaborations.
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Global Partnering in Oncology
Advantages, Considerations, and Risks of Partnering Globally in the Oncology Sector.
Analysing the benefits and challenges of global partnerships in oncology drug development.
Addressing the regulatory, cultural, and logistical aspects of partnering on a global scale.
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Emerging Trends and Therapeutic Areas in Oncology Partnering
Assessing Emerging Trends and Therapeutic Areas in the Changing Partnering Landscape.
Identifying emerging trends and innovative approaches in oncology drug development.
Evaluating opportunities for collaboration and investment in specific therapeutic areas within oncology.
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Global Expansion and International Partnerships
Global Oncology Partnering: Opportunities and Considerations.
Exploring the advantages, complexities, and risks associated with partnering globally in the field of oncology.
Addressing regulatory, cultural, and logistical considerations when expanding international partnerships in cancer drug development.
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Emerging Trends in Oncology Partnering
Pioneering the Future: Exploring Emerging Trends in Oncology Collaborations.
Identifying emerging trends and novel approaches reshaping the landscape of oncology partnering.
Highlighting cutting-edge technologies, breakthrough therapies, and innovative business models driving the next wave of oncology advancements.
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Digital Therapeutics and Behavioural Health
Transforming Healthcare through Digital Therapeutics and Innovations in Behavioral Health.

Keynote Topics

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Harnessing the Power of Partnerships to Unlock Value in Oncology
  • • Highlighting successful case studies of partnerships that have resulted in value creation and advancements in oncology.
  • • Exploring the role of collaborations in accelerating the development and commercialization of cancer drugs.
oncology BD&L pharma partnering conference
Digital Health Technologies: Supporting Systemic Changes in Oncology Healthcare
  • • Examining the impact of digital health technologies on transforming the delivery and management of cancer care.
  • • Discussing how digital health solutions can enhance patient outcomes, clinical trials, and precision medicine in oncology.
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Unleashing the Power of Collaborative Innovation in Oncology
  • • Showcasing inspiring examples of successful collaborations that have revolutionized the oncology field.
  • • Examining the transformative impact of collaborative innovation on patient outcomes, drug discovery, and personalized medicine.
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Funding Strategies in an Evolving Healthcare Landscape
  • • Discussing the evolving landscape of healthcare financing and its implications for oncology ventures.
  • • Exploring innovative funding strategies, public-private partnerships, and investment trends in the oncology sector.

Featured Panel Topics

biotech oncology partnering conference
Financial Climate and Negotiating Power in Oncology Deals
  • • Assessing the influence of the current financial climate on deal negotiations in the oncology sector.
  • • Discussing the leverage and strategies employed by different stakeholders in closing successful deals.
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Emerging Trends and Investment Opportunities in Oncology Therapeutic Areas
  • • Identifying promising therapeutic areas and emerging trends in oncology that present attractive investment opportunities.
  • • Analysing the factors that contribute to the success of partnerships and investments in these areas.
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Shaping the Future of Oncology Financing: Insights from Investors and Industry Leaders
  • • Engaging industry leaders, venture capitalists, and investors in a discussion on funding opportunities and investment priorities in oncology.
  • • Examining the factors influencing investment decisions and strategies to attract capital for oncology ventures.

Special Featured Panel

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Thought Leader Advisor’s Lounge
  • • Our exclusive gathering space for influencers and Innovators in the service sector.

This year's speakers

Dr. Sergio Capancioni
Director Search and Evaluation, International, AbbVie
Andrew Crockford
Director Early Innovation Partnering - Oncology (EMEA) at Johnson & Johnson
Dr. Nicola Giovinazzi
Global Business Ethics and Compliance (BD/Oncology/Alliances), MENARINI Group


Venue Picture

Radisson Hotel & Conference Centre London Heathrow

Building B, Bath Road
Heathrow Boulevard, Sipson
West Drayton UB7 0DU
Tel: +44 (0) 208 283 2030

Rooms Reservation: OncoLinks Summit 2023 has arranged special discount rates per night for the Conference participants. When you will start your booking on webiste from dropdown menue "Selected Rates" select option 'Promotional Code' and enter Code 'PPS1223'

Booking Website: OncoLinks - Click for Room Reservation.
Last Date to Book: November 11, 2023

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